According to data, from January to June, the number of cryptocurrency holders rose by 6.4% from 580 mln people in December, to the current 617 mln. The number of those investing in Ethereum increased by 9.7% from 124 mln at the end of 2023 to 136 mln in June 2024. The number of bitcoin owners went up by 5.9% from 296 mln to 314 mln. Compared to the Earth’s population of 8 bln people, less than 10% of crypto holders - do these numbers mean that digital assets will really be able to achieve the same dissemination as fiat currency?
Assessing these data, growth in the number of cryptocurrency owners up to 617 mln is truly impressive, especially considering the 6.4% increase in six months. This points to rising interest in cryptocurrencies worldwide.
Thus, 617 mln crypto owners account for approximately 7.7% of the Earth's population. This is indeed less than 10%, which could imply major potential for further growth. This is already a significant figure, showing that cryptocurrencies have gone well beyond a narrow circle of enthusiasts.
The possibility of universal dissemination of cryptocurrencies will depend on many factors: technological development, regulatory acceptance, ease of use for ordinary people, exchange rate stability, etc. It is still too soon to say that cryptocurrencies will necessarily become ubiquitous, but current trends show that they have such potential if existing barriers can be overcome.